Our IT solutions ensure continuous improvement, innovation, and a competitive advantage for digitally-driven enterprises, web to mobile to cloud and beyond. To be a successful product and service oriented company globally by meet or exceed our customer needs and expectations by delivering cost effective, right quality and customer oriented technology solutions on time. Mindedge Solutions Inc vision is to be recognized internationally as the reference of knowledge and experience in effectively designing and implementing appropriate information and communication technology solutions and processes as an effective means to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of clients.
Software products have become ubiquitous across industries. With technologies such as cloud and mobile platform converging and the increasing complexity of software development, organizations need:
- To adapt quickly to be more competitive in the market, minimizing development time while supporting multiple software platforms, variants, and versions without compromising quality
- To adopt to advances in cloud computing, mobility, and social media into their offerings to be on the cutting edge, create right value and experience for customers
At Mindedge Solutions we develop the products that can help organizations to effectively utilize its resources to their full potential, cost effective. We know your challenges and mitigate them with the right mix of programming expertise, communication best practices, proven development methodologies, and management. At Mindedge Solutions Inc, we adopt the product vision on behalf of your business, your customer, and your users and serve to augment your current software product development capabilities.
Our people provide end-to-end development services from inception to delivery and work to release high quality product and minimize delivery delays. Our skilled professionals build products that maximize value to the end-user and minimize product support costs.These are some of our products..
1. Project+
2. IoT+
3. SalesCRM+
Project+ product helps for tracking consultants hours logged, project tasks. It will still spend lot of time doing/raising billing to give number of hours get into raising bill.
SalesCRM+ Product saves your time through automation and behaviour learning. It provided Best ever conversion rate, up to 51%. Is also achieve higher revenue through more sales. Our customers are our investors, hence all future releases comes Free. It gives Well defined support system, to help you when you need.
IOT+ Product typical model which is followed by most of the analytical , clinical research and pharma research co’s , Managing Projects/sub-projects.Our projcets use for project management, billing, invoice, resource management ,Sales CRM , IOT.